Saturday, December 18, 2021

PWCo Items: March 1874

Alexandria Gazette (Va)
7 March 1874

PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY ITEMS. -- [From the Manassas Gazette]

At a meeting of the Trustees of the County School Board, held in Brentsville on Monday, the following preamble and resolution were adopted: Whereas it appears George C. Round, esq., the delegate from this county, has presented a bill in the Legislature, having for its object the election of the School Trustees by the people*, and whereas such legislation would at the present time be, in the opinion of this Board, destructive to public school interests, and this Board, actuated by a regard for the welfare of this county and the cause of education, and uninfluenced by any formal consideration, protesting against such action as it conceives such to be their duty, is ready at any time to relinquish its power, so soon as other suitable and more efficient officers may be selected. Be it therefore resolved that the course of Geo. C. Round., esq., in presenting the above bill and urging its passage is in direct opposition to the views of the School Trustees of this county.

The March term of the County Court met on Monday, and was very well attended by persons from different parts of the county. The sale of the plate and jewelry of the late Mrs. F. B. Gibson attracted a large crowd of persons, and the bidding was lively. In the case of J.C. Branough against Craven J. King, for unlawful detainer, the jury failed to agree, standing nine for plaintiff and three for defendent; so the case was continued. Ferdinand A. Weedon was appointed and qualified as constable to fill a vacancy in Manassas Township. Mrs. Mary Newman qualified as executrix of Levi H. Newman, deceased; bond $2,000. The court ordered that the road commissioners of Brentsville and Coles Townships examine the bridge across Cedar Run and report what repairs are needed.

The bondsmen for the County Treasurer, and each of the township collectors, went before Judge Nicol on Friday last and concented to remain on the bonds of the above named offices for the time extended by act of the Legislature.

The Manassas Lodge of Good Templars, which had suspended its meetings for more than a year, has now assumed active operations, and has initiated nine new members in the last week.

*According to Wikipedia article on George Round, "1874...although (or because) Round proposed legislation to establish teacher training colleges across Virginia, he was not re-elected."

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