Alexandria Gazette (VA)
20 September 1869
PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY, VA. ITEMS -- Since our last mention of the improvements about Manassas, there have been several others commenced. Mr. A. Z. Phillips, Mr. L. B. Butler, Col. P. B. Stilson, Mr. Bernard Bryant, and Mr. Wm. Hickson, are all building themselves dwellings, besides other of our citizens are building additions, and otherwise improving their premises. We also learn that some of our capitalists expect to soon engage in the manufacture of articles now in great demand in this and other portions of the country, there being an abundance of raw material in this county.
The Masonic Fraternity in this place is prospering finely; and is bidding fair to become a large lodge. We understand they intend putting up a three story building, the third to be used by the order, the second to be fitted up for offices and the first or ground floor for stores. District Deputy Grand Master George R. Head, of Leesburg, is here and visited the Lodge last night.
The long continued drought has had the effect of drying up many of the smaller streams causing owners of stock a little inconvenience in procuring a sufficient amount of water. At Manassas, although none of the wells have failed, yet the water in some has become so low that the owners have been compelled to get water for their stock elsewhere.
Mr. Wm. A. Ketchum, is engaged in building a residence on his farm near Brentsville. -- Col. Snow, who owns a beautiful farm near Nokesville Station, on the Orange & Alexandria R. R., is engaged in rebuilding his residence which was destroyed during the war.
Mr. Seymour Johnson of the firm of Buckingham and Johnson, who purchased the farm of Col. H. W. Cunningham, arrived here a few days ago from Wyoming county, New York, having travelled the distance, 350 miles, in eleven days, with their team loaded with furniture. They have commenced work at their new home, and will get full possession the first of October.
Messrs. E. F. Pickett, James E. Pickett and Philip Smith, three young men of this county, left here on Tuesday for the West. We should prefer they remained here and help to build up the waste places of old Prince William.
Cannon, McLean & Co., sold last Saturday, 827 acres of land near Gainesville, the property of Dr. Beverly Buckner of Louisiana, to Mr. Wm. Brown, of Alexandria, for $3,875.
~Manassas Gazette