20 October 1873
PRINCE WILLIAM CO. -- [From the Manassas Gazette]
The Conservative Convention, having failed to make nominations, the field has been left open for a free race, the Republicans having previously determined to make none. Mr. Geo. C. Round announces himself as a candidate, and Maj. Dunnington has not withdrawn his card as a candidate, so that we may infer that he is still in the field for he House of Delegates, as is Maj. Purcell we believe. Mr. Lewis announces his withdrawal as a candidate for the House of Delegates, as does Mr. Meredith as a candidate for the position of Commonwealth's Attorney. If this triangular race is run for the Legislature, it will doubtless be a close one.
Mr. N. J. Ditto, who lately purchased the fine estate of Judge Cockerille, in Fairfax county, arrived here on Wednesday last to take possession of his new home. Mr. Ditto has a large family, and will be a valuable acquisition to this portion of our State. He is from Washington county, Maryland. His new purchase contains about 300 acres, for which he paid $13,000. It is an elegant place, and under a high state of cultivation.
Col. Chauney H. Snow and his lady arrived at home on Tuesday morning last from Le Surer Minnesota, where he had gone to attend the bedside of a sick brother, whose death was noticed in this paper at the time it occurred.
Mr. David Andrews, who lately purchased a farm near Brentsville, Prince William county, had fifty bushels of oats stolen from his barn whilst he was confined to his house with sickness.
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