Manassas Journal
28 November 1913
Having decided to discontinue the mercantile business, we offer our entire stock of General Merchandise at cost beginning Saturday, Nov. 29th, and continuing until all goods are disposed of. Stock consists of following:
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Millinery, Gloves, Neckwear, Hosiery, Underwear, Handkerchiefs, Ribbons,. Velvets, Ladies' Coats, Waists, Skirts, Children's and Misses' Coats, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Underwear, Men's Underwear and Work Shirts, Blankets, Comforts, Rugs, Rubber Shoes and Arctics, Standard Sewing Machines, Glassware, Lamps, Groceries, &c., &c.
STORE FIXTURES--National Cash Register, 160-Account McCaskey Register, Fire-proof Safe, 4 Glass Counter Cases, 3 Show Cases, 4 Pair Scales, 2 Enterprise Coffee Mills, 4 Enterprise Molasses Pumps, Anderson Galvanized Oil Tank and Measure Pump, 5 Wood Counters, 3 Tables, &c.
REAL ESTATE--We also offer our store and dwelling, corner Centre and West streets, for sale; the store room is 25x60 with annex 2x20, 10 ft. ceiling, and fronts on both streets. Dwelling has 10 large rooms, 12 ft. ceilings; all newly papered and in good repair; large double porch in front; fine shade and water.
LOTS--Will also sell following lots and improved building sites: 2 lot on Portner Avenue between West street and Grant Avenue, 62 1/2x185 ft; 2 lots on West street, 50x230 ft., building site on West street, 260 ft. front on West street and 230 ft. deep, to 16-foot alley in rear. This lot is improved by new barn, artesian well 115 ft. deep, fine soft water; also small fruits, orchard and shade trees.
Cor. Centre & West
Manassas, Virginia
To Quick Purchaser we will sell Entire Stock at a Bargain and Rent Store Room