PWCo Will Book K
pg. 541
First, I desire that all my just debts be paid out of my personal Estate. Secondly, I desire that all my children may have an equal share from the income of my Estate applied to the education of them seperately as their ages may require it in paying the tuition of them. Thirdly, I desire that the whole of my Estate may be kept together untill the youngest child may arrive of age. Fourthly, on my youngest child arriving at the age of twenty one years, or my youngest surviving child, my Estate both real & personal I desire may be sold to the highest bidder and the net amount thereof to be divided equally among all my children & wife. Fifthly, I desire that should any one of my sons become industrious and carefull managing man that the Estate may be taken out of the hands of the administrators at any time the county court of Prince William may deem it safe to Trust him with it, and place it in the hands of my aforesaid discribed sons. Sixthly and lastly, I do appoint John Hutchison and Reubin Hutchison my sole Executors of this my last will and testament made this thirteenth day of April eighteen hundred and sixteen. Given from under my hand in the presence of
W. J. Washington
Wm. Green
Wm Tyler
William Mount
At a court of quarterly sessions held for Prince William county June 3, 1816.
This last will and testament of William Mount dec'd was presented to the court and being proved by the oath of Washington J. Washington is ordered to be certified. And at a court of Quarterly sessions held for said county August 5, 1861 - This said last will and testament of William Mount dec'd was fully proved by the oath of William Green and ordered to be recorded. And at a court held for said county October 7th 1816, Reubin Hutchison one of the Executors named in the last will and testament of William Mount dec'd by a writing under his hand renounced the burthen of the Execution thereof, which writing is admitted to record and likewise John Hutchison one of the Executors named in the last will and testament of William Mount dec'd came into cour and renounced the burthen of the execution thereof, and administration with the will annexed of the Estate of William Mount dec'd is granted to John Hutchison he having taken the oath prescribed and entered into and acknowledged a bond with security according to law. It appearing to the court tha tit is the wish of the widow of said Mount that the said Hutchison should *qualify as aforesaid.
Phil. D. Dawe Cl Cur
*[margin note] December Court 1822 Hutchison letter of Admin. revoked & letters of admin or being [?] with the will annexed grantor to Jas. Mount. Teste, P. D. Dawe C.C.
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