3 July 1871
The new brick depot of the O.A.&M. Railroad has been completed and is a credit, alike to the energetic and capable General Superintendent of the road, and to the village of Manassas.
One day last week some one on entering the Clerk's office at Brentsville was surprised at seeing a large black snake resting in one of the corners of the room near the ceiling. It is needless to say that his snakeship did not remain long in that position.
A lady while gathering blackberries near Brentsville last week, made a very narrow escape from the bite of a copper head moccasin. Fortunately she saw it just as it was coiled to strike, and it was dispatched before it could do any harm.
An effort is being made to induce the O.A.&M. R.R. Co. to put a train on their road to carry milk, produce, and local travel early in the day and to return at night.
On Saturday last while some of our farmers were congregated in the store of Mr. F. J. Cannon, two of them became engaged in wrestling, and one of them, named Henry Payne, falling heavily against the counter, broke two of his ribs.
Mr. Homer who recently purchased in the vicinity of Greenwich, met with a painful and dangerous accident on Thursday last. He was going through a gate and while leading his horse through, the animal took fright, and starting to run, caught Mr. H., between one of the wheels and the gate post, inflicting severe injuries.
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[I love reading the local items that go beyond "news," providing snapshots of lives, personalities, and lore. They help to flesh out the images of our ancestors. As an example, through this particular news article I learned that my 3rd great grandfather, Lawrence Cole, was responsible for recovering the "lost" PWCo seal "through the hands of a third party." I can't help but wonder how my grandfather became an intermediary and the circumstances leading up to the exchange that lead to the seal's recovery. ~cgl]