Friday, January 6, 2023

Friend of Friends Friday: Ranaway: JOHN and HARRY

National Intelligencer
23 October 1813


RAN-AWAY from the subscriber in Prince William county, near Dumfries Virginia, two Negro Men,


Both of black complection. John absconded about the 25th of May last; he is about 5 feet 6 inches high, short and thick set, of bad countenance and has an uncommon look out of his eyes, one of which is defective in sight; he is between 45 and 50 years of age; a carpenter  by trade; he had on a long drab colored coarse cloth coat, a pair do__ green trowsers, one blue ditto waistcoat, but as he has other clothes, it is probable he will change them. He was hired from the representatives of the estate of the late Mr. Thomas Mason of Woodbridge, on the 1st January by my overseer for the present year for me.

HARRY absconded about 15 August; he is about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high; 25 years of age, though very small of his age and has very much the appearance of a ad; has several marks of the small pox in his face, and on one of his hams has a considerable scar occasioned by a scald; he is a cooper by trade; had on a pair of yellow and blue mixed trowsers, a striped blue and yellow twilled waistcoat, a wool and cotton dark mixed twilled short coat, all of domestic manufacture; but as he is a fellow of considerable smartness he may change his clothing. I will pay the above reward to any person who will deliver them to me or secure them in Jail so that I get them again or ten dollars for either of them. 


N.B. it is probable Harry is in Richmond as he has connections living with Mr. James Smith of that place, who formerly lived in Dumfries.  T.H.

Chappawamsic, Oct. 6--3tw2w

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