Monday, November 30, 2020

Trustees Sale: Carter's Green (1876)

Alexandria Gazette (Va)
01 November 1876

TRUSTEE'S SALE OF A GOOD FARM, IN PRINCE WILLIAM CO., NEAR HAYMARKET, CONTAINING 289 1/2 acres.  By virtue of a deed of trust executed to me by J. T. Carter and wife, dated the 26th day of May, 1866, and recorded in the Clerk's office of the County Court of Prince William county, Va., I will offer by public auction, at the front door of the Court House, in the town of Warrenton, Fauquier county, Va., on MONDAY, December 11th, 1876, that being the first day of the Circuit Court of said county, the valuable tract of land in said deed mentioned, known as "CARTER'S GREEN," containing 289 1/2 acres -- be the same more or less. The land is of good quality, well wooded, watered and enclosed. Upon the farm there is a comfortable DWELLING HOUSE and necessary out buildings. It is in a good neighborhood, adjoins the farms of Mr. Wise and Capt. James Purcell and about six miles from Gainesville, a station upon the Manassas Division of the Virginia Midland R.R.

Terms of Sale - Five hundred dollars in cash; the residue in one, two and three years. For deferred payments the purchaser will be required to execute bonds, with approved personal security, to bear interest from the day of sale, and secure the same by deed of trust upon the aforesaid premises.

N.B. - Being empowered to make private sale of said premises, In invite propositions. My address is Warrenton, Fauquier County, Va.

R. TAYLOR SCOTT, Trustee, &c., &c.
Robt. Coons, Auct'r.
nov 1-eots

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