20 September 1934
Miss Irma Wilson has returned to her home at Marshall where she enters second year high school.
Brentsville is glad to welcome Miss Dorothy Woodhouse back to the school this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Cash Keys and family returned from Washington last week after spending the week-end with Mrs. Keys' mother. Mrs. Keys attended the Daughters of America State session as a State representative in Washington.
Brentsville Community League will meet Friday night, Sept. 21, at 8 o'clock and it is hoped that as many as can will be present. The league is now working on a play to be given in October.
We see Mr. George Rhine driving his car again after his accident.
Master Lloyd Keys has returned to his home here after a minor operation and is able to return to his school again this week.
Mr. and Mr.s Blakemore visited Mr. and Mrs. George Nicely Sunday. Mrs. Goldie Nicely was home for Sunday.
We are glad to know that Mrs. Joe Keys is feeling much better after a lengthy illness, though still under the doctor care.
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