PWCo Deed Book 23, page 302
Agreement: Milstead and Ives
2 February 1856
Beginning at a
small white oak on the west side of a road thence N 35° 11 poles to some stone sin a large hollow
stump & several distant marked pointers thence N 13° 50 uc 73 ½ poles to an old
marked Spanish oak now dead on the east side of said road corner to said Milsteads thence N 1.47 &
66 ½ poles to a white oak marked on the west side of said raid a corner to said
Milsteads and Ives and the land of Mer. John
Finch and it is further covenanted, stipulated & agreed between the
said Milstead and Ives that hereafter should either of them or their heirs or
any person or persons acting through or by their consent, will and liberty of
the said Milstead or Ives, in disregard of the agreement and contrary to the
intents & purposes herein before mentioned, commit any manner of trespass upon
the land beyond the line or lines above described & established by claiming
title to and taking possession thereof or enter suit in law to recover the
same, the party upon whose tract such trespass shall have been made or suit
entered as aforesaid shall forfit and pay to the advised party or his heirs the
sum of one hundred dollars. Witness
whereof the said parties have hereunto interchangeable set their hands &
affixed their seals this the first day of August in the year of our lord one
thousand eight hundred & fifty three.
Reuben Ives {seal}
Isaac Milstead {seal}
In the clerk’s office of Prince William County February 2d [1856]
This Agreement Milstead & Ives was acknowledged by the parties
thereto and admitted to record.
Teste, P. D. Lipscomb, clk
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