Friday, January 20, 2017

Friend of Friends Friday: Ranaway (Wallace)

Alexandria Gazette
1 January 1850

$100 REWARD -- Ranaway from the subscriber, on Thursday 27th ult., negro man WALLACE, who is about 21 years old, stout and well built, dark color, bushy head of hair, 5 feet 6 or 8 inches high; he had a scar on one of his legs; had on when he left a dark mixed full Cloth Short Coat, light Cassinet Pants, and black Cloth Cap; he had two or three suits of Clothing with him, among them a pair of black Cassinet Pants, and a pair of full Cloth ones; also a blue Cassinet Sack Coat.

I will give the above reward of $100 if taken out of the State of Virginia, and $50 in said State; in either case he must be secured in jail, so that I get him again. All reasonable expenses paid if delivered to me in Dumfries, Va.

Robert Alexander

Dumfries, Va., jan 1-eo2w
[Leesburt Washingtonian]

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