16 June 1932
A very delightful party was given at the home of Miss Ruby Russell on Tuesday evening when she bid her friends good-by before leaving her home on West street. She is soon to return to her country home at Canova. She will be greatly missed by her many friends in Manassas.
Those present at the party were: Misses Virginia, Ruth, Clara, Irene and Elizabeth Cross, Miss Edith and Virginia Carter, Miss Eula Shaw, Miss Sarah Vetter, Miss Mildred Cooke, Miss Mickie Lunsford and Mr. and Mrs. Emory Russell.
Messers. Floyd Vetter, Randolph Payne, William Ward, Edward Pattie, Douglas Dodson, Robert Leith, William Bowers, Paul Cooksey, Jake Terry, Shelmon Holmes, Russell and Willard Shaw.
[I love the reference to Miss Russell's "country home at Canova." The Canova community was originally named Woodbine after Levi C. Lynn's home Woodbine, as well as the Baptist church and school of the same name that he founded. It was renamed Canova in the early 1900's, largely in part to James Sullivan, who owned a general store in the area. Eugene Scheel's "Crossroads and Corners" notes that Sullivan chose the name because it was easy to spell and was likely unaware of the famous sculptor Antonio Canova. Today the area is called "Woodbine" once more but Canova Drive in Independent Hill remains -- Woodbine School on one side of the road and Woodbine Baptist Church on the other -- in the heart of the rapidly growing Coles Magisterial District. Hardly "country" any longer! --cgl]
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