14 January 1873
PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY ITEMS. -- Mr. James Vowels, aged 72 years, died on the 25th of December, at the residence of Mr. Matthew Priest in this county. Mr. V. was a native of Talbot county, Md., but had been a resident of this county upwards of thirty years. He was a member of the order of Free and Accepted Masons, and probably the oldest member of that order living in the county. He was buried in the family burrying ground on the farm of Mr. Priest.
Mr. Charles H. Whittington, telegraph operator for the Western Union Telegraph Company at this place, was taken down a few days ago with a severe attack of inflamatory rheumatism. Mr. H. S. Sneed of Gordonsville has taken his place until he gets able to resume his duties.
We learn that Mr.s Vanderhoof, the widow of a man by that name, who purchased a farm near Nokesville, about a year ago, is in very destitute circumstances, her husband having died leaving the widow and six children without support.
A man by the name of P. H. Smith, a resient of Monroe county, West Va., passed through here on Wednesday last in charge of three guards who were conveying him to the lunatic Asylum at Weston, West Va.,
Messrs. Nicol and Hunton, commissioners, sold on Monday last in front of the court house, 200 acres of land, a portion of the homestead of Seymour Lynn, near Independence Hill, to Burress Norman for $4 per acre.
Messrs. Sinclair and Nicol, commissioners, sold on Monday last four lots of land, each containing half an acre, of the estate of the late James Purcell, to Jas. R. Purcell for the sum of $399.50.
Mr. M. M. Roseberry who has been confined by sickness for the past three months at his home near Brentsville, is we are glad to report nearly recovered and will soon be out again. -- Manassas Gazette
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