24 May 1858
At Brentsville, Prince William County, Va., on the 19th instant, after a lingering illness, which he bore patiently and resignedly, WM. H. NORVILE, in the 30th year of his age. He was a man of more than ordinary endowments, great decision of character, and correct deportment. During his life he occupied several important positions among his countrymen, and died beloved and regretted by all who knew him.
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Alexandria Gazette
9 June 1845
DIED, at the residence of Capt. P. Norville, in Brentsville, Prince William County, Va., on the 29th ult, his daughter, LUCRETIA M. NORVILLE, in the 25th year of her age. The deceased was much admired for her admirable disposition, her modest deportment, gentle and unassuming manners, and to those attractions she added that of a genuine and unaffected piety.
She remembered her Creator in the days of her youth, and in the morning of life, gave her heart to God. Soon after making a profession of religion, she attached herself to the Methodist Episcopal Church, and continued a consistent and acceptable member of the same, until her death. It is commendation enough, but not too much, to say of her, she possessed in a remarkable manner, "the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God, of great price." The disease which terminated her life, was Consumption -- hence her sufferings were protracted, and severe; but she bore them with a patience, fortitude, and resignation becoming the Christian, and suffered no murmurings to escape her lips. But it was her triumph over death which exhibited most strikingly the genuineness and strength of her faith -- "the faith which works by love," and "purifies the heart." It is hardly reasonable to suppose that one so young, and surrounded by so much calculated to render life desirable, should relinquish her hold on life without a struggle. It is not, therefore, strange that her mind was for some time reluctant to consider her end as inevitably near, but when fully satisfied that her disease was incurable, she meekly resigned herself to the will of her Heavenly Father; and in anticipation of immediate dissolution, she rejoiced with "joy unspeakable and full of glory," called her relations and friends around her, took an affectionate leave of them, and gave t hem a fervent exhortation to prepare for death, and to meet her in Heaven.
The final hour, however, had not arrived, and for more than three days she waited the approach of the "King of Terrors" with a calmness and composure of spirit, which the greatest of earth's conquerors might have envied. Her last words were "All is well," and after the power of speech had failed, with uplifted eyes and hands, she proclaimed that she had "the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." Whilst the writer of this sympathizes deeply with the bereaved relatives and friends, he would rejoice also, that they "sorrow not, even as others which have no hope," and most sincerely prays that her fervent and faithful exhortations may be so regarded, as that they all may at last, meet her,
"Where every sever'd wreath is bound,
And none may hear the knell
That smites the souls in the wild sound,
Farewell, belov'd farewell."
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