Friday, November 20, 2015

Friend of Friends Friday: Ran Away: John Williams

Alexandria Herald
29 September 1820


RAN AWAY from the subscriber's quarry, near Aquia: in the county of Stafford, Va. on the 15th of May last, a Negro fellow who calls himself JOHN WILLIAMS.  He is about 30 years of age, of a dark copper color, about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, remarkably yellow eyes, and when spoken to stammers very much; sometimes it is a minute before he can utter a word. His ears are pierced, and he sometimes wears in them a very shewy pair of rings.  He is a very likely fellow, and has no scar that we recollect to have observed.  He is the property of Mr. Alfred Ewell, of the county of Prince William, and hired to us by his brother Jesse Ewell, in said county, in whose neighborhood it is said he has a wife.  His mother lives in the vicinity of Occoquan, and he has an extensive acquaintance in the town of Alexandria.

At one of those places he is no doubt at this time lurking.  The above reward will be given if taken in Alexandria or beyond the limits of Virginia and secured in jail so that we get  him again, and ten dollars and all necessary charges paid if taken in one of the adjacent counties and brought home.

Rouzee Peyton & Co.

Sept. 11

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