Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday's Obituary: Charles Ming

Alexandria Gazette – February 15, 1855

DIED. On Friday, the 9th instant, at his residence in Prince William County, Va., Charles Ming, in the 86th year of his age. The deceased was for many years an inhabitant of Prince William County, Va., where he filled a highly respectable position as Magistrate and High Sheriff.

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Alexandria Gazette – February 7, 1827

Prince William County Court, December 2d, 1823.

Thomas Chapman, late surviving acting executor of Wm. Carr, dec'd., and John Spence, administrator de bonis non, with the will annexed of the said William Carr, dec'd., Complainants


William H. Tebbs and Lydia Tebbs his wife, and Chas. Ming and Victoria Ming, his wife, Defendants.


This cause came on this day to be hears by consent of parties upon the bill, answers of the defendants, and exhibits, and was argued by counsel; upon consideration whereof, and by like consent, the Court doth adjudge, order and decree, that the defendants Charles Ming and Victoria his wife, be forever barred and foreclosed from all equity of redemption in the mortgaged premises in the bill mentioned. That the part of the tract of land on Broad Run, containing seven hundred acres, belonging to Charles Ming and wife, agreeably to the partition between them and said Wm. H. Tebbs, in the proceedings mentioned, be sold by public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, by the Commissioner hereinafter named, after giving sixty days notice of the time and place of such sale, in some newspaper printed in the town of Alexandria, and by advertisement at the door of the Court House of Prince William County; and apply the proceeds of such sale first, to the payment of the costs, charges and expenses thereof, and of the execution of this decree, secondly, to the payment of nineteen hundred and sixty-eight dollars and fifty cents, and interest thereon from the date hereof, to the complainan Thomas Chapman or his assignee, and pay over the residue, if any, to the defendant Charles Ming; That John Macrae do carry this decree into effect. But the rights of the complainants in relation to residue of the said mortgaged debt, are reserved, and the Court retains the cause for such further decree in relation to the other defendants and the said Ming and wife, as it may think proper.

A Copy – Teste, P. D. Dawe, C.C.

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At a Superior Court of Chancery held in the town of Fredericksburg, on the 17th day of May 1826 – Thomas Chapman, surviving executor of William Carr, deceased, Appellant,


William H. Tebbs and Lydia his wife, and Charles Ming and Victoria his wife, Appellees.

Upon an appeal from an order of the County Court of Prince William, in Chancery, pronounced on the 5th day of April 1824, in a suit in which the appellant was plaintiff, and the appellees were defendants – this day came the parties by their counsel, and the Court having maturely considered the transcript of the record of the order aforesaid and the arguments of counsel, is of opinion, that the said order which suspends the decree for sale of the 2d day of December, 1823, and permits the appellees, Ming and wife, to answer, is erroneous. Therefore it is decreed and ordered, that the same be reversed and annulled; and that the appellees do pay unto the appellant the costs by him expended in the prosecution of his appeal aforesaid here. And this cause is retained in this Court, to be proceeded in according to the decree of the second day of December, 1823.

Costs prosecuting appeal $36 65.

A copy teste, J. H. Williams, C.C.

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In obedience to the foregoing decrees of the County Court of Prince William, and the Superior Court of Chancery for the District of Fredericksburg, I shall, on the first Monday in March next, before the front door of Prince William Court-house, expose to sale to the highest bidder, for ready money, the tract of land of Charles Ming and Victoria his wife, in the first of said decrees mentioned.

Jan 1 – ts
J. Macrae

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