Will Book I, pg 171
James Anderson's Will
In the Name of God Amen I James Anderson Senior being in perfect memery but weak in body do make this my last will and testament. I will that all my leagel debts to paid and when it shall please God to call me home from this trancetrory world that my body to be decently buried in a certain hope of a joyfull resuraction through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Item 1 I will and bequeth to my well beloved wife Mary Anderson one third part of my estate during her natural life and at her decace to be ekuley devided among my children except my son James that has got his part already.
Item 2 I will bequeth to my son James Anderson one Negree fellow named Joe one horse and mere two hogshead of toba. & six poun cash which I consider as his part of my estate and he is not to have any more nor no clame hereafter.
__ Item I will and bequith that all and every part part of my estate to be eqully devided among my other cheldreen only excepted as befor excepted.
__ Item it is my will and desire that my well beloved wife Mary Anderson and Presley Woodard will be my Executers after my decase.
I have hereunto set my hand seal this twelth day of March one thousand eight hundred and six.
James [X his mark] Anderson {seal}
John [X his mark] Rollans
Henry Hope
Margreet [X her mark] Hope
At a Court held for Prince William County December __d, 1806
The last will and testament of James Anderson decsd was presented to the Court and being proved by the oaths of John Rollans & Henry Hope was ordered to be recorded and Mary Anderson and Presley Woodyard the Excr and Exor mentioned in said will made oath to the same and having entered into bond with Security, who justified, according to law, Certifiate is granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in due form.
J. Williams, Ct. Cur