Sunday, April 23, 2017

Sunday's Obituary: Franklin Turner

Alexandria Gazette
6 October 1860

The following notice of the death of Mr. Franklin Turner is from the Missouri Statesman, and its republication in the Alexandria Gazette is requested. Mr. T. was an intelligent citizen, firm in his political principles of the Whig school, and one of the most obliging neighbors I ever knew. "He was my friend, faithful and just to me.      S.

Prince William County, Va.,

     On Sunday morning, the 16th ult., at 2 o'clock at the residence of his son, George A Turner, in Columbia, Boone County, Missouri, after a protract illness of Typhoid Fever, which he bore with Christian fortitude, Franklin Turner, of Saline county, and formerly of Prince William county, Virginia, aged about 54 years and six months.

The deceased was a kind and loving husband and father, and was at the time of his death a consistent member of the Old School Baptist Church of which he had been a member for over twenty-five years; and die with the full hope of the Christian, loving, trusting and believing on the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. His last words spoken were that "he knew the Lord was on his side."

He breathed his last in sweet sleep, calmly and without a struggle; "blessed are the righteous who die in the fear of the Lord." His death is deeply mourned by an aged widow and four affectionate children, and many friends.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Sunday's Obituary: Mary F. Elgin

Baltimore American
31 December 1905

Mrs. Mary F. Elgin, who died on December 22, was buried Sunday, December 24, in the family lot at Fairfax, Va. She was 72 years old and was the mother of 13 children. She is survived by her husband and the following children: Mrs. Mary C. Brown of Prince William county Va.; Mrs. Sallie A. Dyer, of Birk [Burke], Va.; Mrs. Rebecca Fairfax, of Washington, D.C.; Ernest T. Elgin, of Washington; Thomas J., John and Isaac Elgin, of Fairfax county, Va.; Edgar Elgin, of Philadelphia, and Milton and Clinton Elgin, of Baltimore.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Indentured Servant - Ranaway (Walter Wilcoxen)

Alexandria Advertiser
14 April 1804

Twenty Dollars Reward

Ranaway from the subscriber on Saturday the 7 inst. an apprentice boy named Walter Wilcoxen, about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, he took away with him two long coats, one roundabout jacket, blue pantaloons, and some other clothes. It is expected he has gone to his fathers in Prince William County, about thirty miles from town, near Hoe's old mill, on Occ[a]quan Creek. The above reward will be paid for delivering the said Walter Wilcoxen to the subscriber, and all reasonable charges, provided he is not brought back by those who were accessary to his running away.

Thomas Preston

N.B. I forwarn all persons from harboring or employing him as I will prosecute them, as far as the law will allow.


April 11

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Sunday's Obituary: Edward D. Meetze

Richmond Times Dispatch
25 November 1916


[Special to the Times-Dispatch]

Manassas, VA, November 24 - Edward D. Meetze, an inspector in the United States engineer service, dropped dead in Washington yesterday.  He was fifty-nine years old, a native of Lexington, S.C. and for many years had been a vestryman of the Church of the Ascension, Washington.  He leaves his wife, five daughters, his father and six brothers, two of whom, C.J. Meetze, Prince William County representative in the House of Delegates, and H.Y. Meetze, live in Manassas.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Society Saturday: Independent Hill Items (21 December 1917)

Manassas Journal
21 December 1917

Independent Hill

An ice cream and box social will be held at Hayfield School tomorrow evening for the benefit of the School and Civic League. A very interesting program is to be rendered, including a popular girl contest. The young ladies are requested to bring boxes and cakes. The public is cordially invited to attend.

A party was given recently at the home of Mr. David Copen. Among the guests from this section were Mr. and Mrs. Philip Weber, Miss Lillian Garrison, Messrs. Earl Lynn, Austin Greenwood, Newton Sayers, Richard Thorp, Max Weber and Leslie Merritt.

Miss Lillian Greenwood has been visiting relatives in Washington.

Mr. John Norman has moved to Dumfries.

Miss Mary Weber, who teaches at Purcell, will spend the holidays with her parents.