Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sunday's Obituary: Mary F. Sinclair / Archibald Sinclair

Alexandria Gazette
26 October 1847

DIED, in Brentsville, on Monday 18th October, Archibald Sinclair, after extreme sufferings for twelve years. In the past year the sun of righteousness arose, and bade all his fears depart.  He longed for Heaven, his patience increased, and without the slightest struggle or groan, with the sweetest smile as the last breath left, he went to dwell with the God on whom he so often called with such fervour not to leave him alone.

Alexandria Gazette
2 March 1849

Departed this life at Brentsville, on Thursday, the 22d ult., after a protracted illness, Mrs. Mary F. Sinclair, relict of the late Archibald Sinclair, in her 47th year, long and favorably known as a merchant of that place and whose energy of character and moral worth entitled her to the esteem of all who knew her. She was peculiarly admired for her fond devotion to her late husband, who was the subject of a deep affliction for nine years, which confined him to his bed and in which situation he had the warm and devoted attachment and attention of her who had promised at the altar to be with him in sickness and in health.  The writer of this was not with her at her death. She had been a warm and enthusiastic follower of her Lord and Master for a number of years, and there is scarcely a doubt that she is now safely housed in that bright world above where she may forever sing his praises whom she served on earth with so much zeal. She has left a numerous circle of relatives and friends to mourn over their bereavement.

Prince William County

Friday, October 23, 2015

Will: Jacob Merchant (1816)

Prince William County Will Book K, pg. 520
22 Jul 1815; proved 04 Jun 1816

I JACOB MERCHANT of the Town of Dumfries and county of Prince William do make and ordain this and for my last will and testament.  I desire that all my just debts be paid for which purpose I desire that my Executors hereafter mentioned shall sell the house and lot I now live in which was purchased of MATHEW HARRISON’s trustees, the residue of my estate both real and personal will be disposed of agreeably to the laws of Virginia amongst my dear wife and children.  I appoint GEORGE F. HUBER and PHILIP D. DAWE Executors of this my last will and testament.  In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 22nd July 1815.


Signed sealed and ackd. As and for the last will & testament o the testator in the presence of us

At a court of quarterly sessions and held for Prince William County June 4th 1816.

This last will and testament of JACOB MERCHANT decd. was presented to the Court by P. D. DAWE one of the Exeors therein named, who made oath to the same according to law, and the said will being proved by the oaths of JOHN MERCHANT and AUGUSTUS B. CARTER is ordered to be recorded.  And the said PHIL. D. DAWE having taken the oath of an Exor and performed what is usual in such cases certificate is granted her for obtaining a probate thereof in due form/

Teste, PHIL. D. DAWE

Monday, October 19, 2015

Military Monday: Prisoners of War

Alexandria Gazette
01 November 1862

The following prisoners of war in Washington were discharged from the Old Capitol prison, on taking the oath of allegiance to the United States:

D. Allen, Fairfax county
J. Mansfield, Loudoun county
L. Love, Prince William county
J. Sanders, Fauquier county
L. Pettit, Prince William county
John Gillespie, Fauquier county
J. W. Monroe, do. (Fauquier county)
John Sweeney, do. (Fauquier County)
B. S. Minor, Loudoun county, and
J. May, Georgia.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Sunday's Obituary: Timothy Brundige

Alexandria Herald (VA)
18 September 1822

In Dumfries, Virginia, on Thursday last after an illness of twenty days, Timothy Brudinge, Esq. merchant and postmaster.  Few persons have performed their duties in society in such an exemplary manner as the deceased.  As a husband, a parent, a neighbor, and a citizen, Mr. Brundige was an example, which all good men who knew him, would take a pride in imitating.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Will: Henry Tyler (1820)

Prince William County Will Bk L, pg 344
11 Aug 1820; proved 05 Sep 1820

In the name of God Amen I HENRY TYLER of the State of Virginia and County of Prince William being weak in body but of sound and disposing mind do make and ordain this my last will and testament.  Item I give and bequeath unto JAMES B. HAYES my tract of land adjoining Racoon Hill supposed to contain fifty and three fourth acres.  In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 11th day of August one thousand eight hundred & twenty.


Signed sealed & acknowledged in presence of

At a Court Contd for Prince William County Sept 5th 1820

This last will and testament of HENRY TYLER decd. was presented to the Court and being proved by the oaths of TIMOTHY P. WHITE and DANIEL K. FERGIE is ordered to be recorded.

Teste, PHIL. D. DAWE

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Newspaper Tidbit: PWCo Items (29 April 1874)

Alexandria Gazette
29 April 1874

PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY ITEM - [From the Manassas Gazette]

Quite a large attendance of ladies and gentleman was at the temperance meeting in Manassas on Thursday night. Judge Sinclair delivered an able and beautiful address, which was received with frequent outburst of applause. After the address the pledge was offered, and was signed by ten, two for life. A subscription was circulated, and upwards of twenty dollars donated to be used in fitting up a future place of meeting for the society. Among the visitors was Dr. J. C. Hill of Alexandria.

A few days ago, a negro employed on Mr. Frances' fishing landing stole a very fine horse belonging to Mr. F, and started South. Mr. Joe Lynn, started in pursuit, and in a few hours, after tracking the thief well through Chapawamsic Neck, came up with him near Potomac City, and recovered the horse, but the negro escaped into the pine.

Mr. W. W. Davis of Manassas, was seriously injured on Monday last by his horse, since which time he has been continued to his bed. He was holding the animal by the bridle rein, when it began to play, pulling Mr. D. down, and as he fell striking him on the side and stomach with hi knees.  Mr. D. lay insensible for some time.

Messrs. Makely & Rice of Clifton have a pet squirrel, captured in the woods near that place, which is perfectly white. It is in every particular except the color, an exact counterpart of the common grey squirrel. It is very tame and perfectly docile.

The carriage of Capt. C. R. Limstrong while standing at the M. E. Church in Manassas on Thursday night during the temperance meeting, was robbed of two cushions, a rug, a blue cloth jacket belonging to his son, and a lantern.

The wheat in this neighborhood never presented a finer appearance. The peach crop has been seriously damaged by the frost. Pears and cherries, now in bloom, do not appear to be injured.

The heavy rains of the past three or four days have stopped farming operations, and raised some of the streams too high to ford.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Newspaper Tidbit: Can Count 180 Descendant (Hannah Burke)

Denton Journal (Ohio)
26 April 1890


The Marietta (O.) Register tells of a somewhat remarkable family in that vicinity.  Joseph Burke, a freeman from Prince William county, Va., came with his family in 1851 to Newport, where he died three weeks afterward, leaving a wife and twelve children.  The widow still survives, and most of her children.  A recent census of the family, including children, grandchildren, and greatgrandchildren, gives an aggregate of 180 souls.  Mrs. Hannah Burke, now aged 87, is probably the most motherly woman in Ohio.