15 September 1873
PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY ITEMS - [From the Manassas Gazette] - One of the most pleasant affairs that has ever occurred in this place came off on Tuesday night last at the Manassas Hotel, it being the occasion of a birth day party given Miss Rachie Varns, daughter of the proprietor of the hotel. A large and fashionable gathering of invited friends were present to do honor to the occasion and the evening was spent amid enchanting music and dancing.
A tournament and ball will be given at Manassas on the 18th inst.; also, one at Centreville on the 15th inst., both under the auspices of the colored fraternity.
A sharp and spicy discussion took place on Saturday last at Trenness', between G. W. Larkin and E. E. Meredith, candidates for Commonwealth's attorney.
We regret to learn the death at his home in Lesurur, Minn, on the 7th inst., of George D. Snow, esq., eldest son of Col. Wm. R. Show of this county.
It is the first time since we have known Manassas that we have heard the hum of that annoying insect, the mosquito.
A basket pic nic will be held in a grove near A. T. Marshall's on the 20th inst.
Chills and fevers are very prevalent in and around Manassas.