Evening Star (Washington, DC) – July
28, 1903
Marcus B. Latimer
Evening Star, July 28, 1903 |
OLD RESIDENT DEAD. Marcus B. Latimer
Passes Suddenly Away. Funeral Tomorrow Afternoon From Family
Residence – Interment to be Made at Glenwood Cemetery
The death of Marcus B. Latimer, for
many years a prominent auctioneer of this city, occurred at 9:15
o'clock last evening at his residence, 1223 6th street
northwest. Mr. Latimer had been in good health up to last Saturday
morning when he contacted a severe cold, which brought on congestion
and resulted in his death. He was surrounded by the members of his
family when the end came. The funeral will take place from the
family home tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, and the interment will
be made in Glenwood cemetery. The pallbearers will be selected from
among the nephews of Mr. Latimer, and will consist of Joseph S.,
Clarence E. and Lee D. Latimer, George H. Evans and Americus Davis,
all of this city, and William J. Weir of Manassas, Va. The interment
will be private.
Marcus B. Latimer had resided in
Washington over fifty years, and probably no resident of the national
capital enjoyed a wider acquaintance among the citizens of the
District of Columbia than did he. He was born in Charles county,
Md., January 5, 1839, and while he was still an infant his parents
removed to Brentsville, Prince William county, Va. In 1853, at the
age of fourteen, Mr. Latimer, accompanied by two of his brothers, the
late Samuel H. and the late Dr. Edwin W. Latimer, came to Washington
and obtained employment as a clerk with the old firm of Sibley &
Gier, formerly hardware merchants of the city. A few years later Mr.
Latimer accepted a position with J.C. Maguire & Co., auctioneers,
and with that firm, under the tutorship of the late Thomas J. Fisher,
Mr. Latimer learned the business with which he had been so long and
prominently identified here.
In the early seventies the firm of
Cooper & Latimer, auctioneers, was organized, and the firm opened
up its business in the building located on the southwest corner of
11th street and Pennsylvania avenue, a part of which was
occupied at that time by The Evening Star. When Mr. Cooper died,
about twenty-five years ago, the firm was changed to Latimer &
Cleary, and afterward it was known as Dowling & Latimer. A
number of years ago Mr. Latimer and his son-in-law, Charles G. Sloan,
organized the firm of Latimer & Sloan on G street.
Record in Business. Mr. Latimer during
his active business days conducted some of the most noted and
extensive sales in the country. He was considered as one of the
finest auctioneers in the United States. He conducted the great sale
of the fine pictures in the rotunda he also sold the effects of the
English minister, Lord Sackville West. The last large sale and one
of the most important in Mr. Latimer's career was the auction of the
noted Deakin collection of Japanese ceramic art, which occurred about
eight years ago, in this city. He was regarded as a connoisseur of
art and a critical judge of oriental stuffs and carpets, rugs,
tapestry,, &c., and his services were very much in demand among
the best and most influential people of the city.
Mr. Latimer was possessed of a most
genial personality and a keen appreciation of humor, and he had an
inexhaustible fund of amusing anecdotes, which caused his sales to be
entertaining as well as profitable.
In May 1864, Mr. Latimer was married to
Miss Susie Lowe, a daughter of an old Washington family. The family
had lived in the present residence on 6th street for the
past twenty years. At the outbreak of the civil war Mr. Latimer
served with the Washington Light Infantry Corps. He took an interest
in nearly all the public affairs pertaining to the District, but
never held public office during his career.
Retired Six Years Ago. About six years
ago Mr. Latimer retired from active business, but on various
occasions, at the special request of clients, he has conducted sales
of art and antique furniture, &c. The members of the immediate
family who survive him are his wife and four children – Mrs.
Charles G. Sloan, Mr. Thomas F. Latimer and the Misses Mabel C. and
Marie Latimer.
~ ~ ~
Daily National Intelligencer
(Washington, DC) – May 16, 1864
Marriage. In this city, on the 12th
May, by the Rev. Dr. Samson, Marcus B. Latimer, of Virginia, to Miss
Susie B. Lowe, of this city.