Sunday, January 29, 2012

PWCo. Districts (1852)

Alexandria Gazette
May 15, 1852

PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY.  The Commissioners appointed by an act of the Legislature of Virginia, passed April 2nd, 1852, to district the County of Prince William, met at the Court House of said County, pursuant to notice, on the 15th April, 1852, and proceeded to district the County, as follo9ws, viz:--

District No. 1. Shall begin at Cedar Run Bridge, and be bound thence with the Dumfries road to Davis's; thence with the Occoquan road to Powell's Run; thence with said Run to Potomac River; thence with said river to the Stafford line; thence with said line and the Fauquier line to Cedar Run; and thence with said run to the beginning.  Elections in this district shall be held in the town of Dumfries, and at the dwelling house of Lawrence Cole.

District No. 2. Shall embrace the residue of the territory below Occoquan and Cedar Run.  Elections in this district shall be held in the town of Occoquan, and at the residence of Courtney Reeves.

District No. 3. Shall be bounded south by Occoquan and Cedar Run to Bull Run; thence with said Bull Run to Ball's Ford; thence with the road to Newmarket; thence with said road by Brewer's Spring to Piney Branch; thence with said Branch to Broad Run; thence with said run to Langyher's Upper Mill; thence with the mill road to Chappel Spring and Greenwich Road; thence with said road to Greenwich; thence to the Fauquier line south of C. Halderman's; and thence with said line to Cedar Run.  Elections in this district shall be held at the Court House, and at the School House of Sally Kincheloe, near Buckhall Branch.

District No. 4. Shall embrace the residue of the territory above Cedar Run.  Elections in this district shall be held in the town of Haymarket, and at Sudley Mills.